Change for the better!
Projects made to measure



Improvement of living conditions is closely connected to literacy. Beeing able to read and write is an indispensable precondition for any change for the better.

Facing that we're accurately tailoring made to measure projects respecting the miscellaneous reasons children don't achieve proper literacy. These reasons vary in it's form of appearance and according to regional destinctions.

Based on long-term experiences our task comprises teaching literacy by application of an extremely efficient and very low-cost method. 

 This literacy method originates from Germany and was refined by Katrin Rabanus. It is based on simple finger signing showing the sound or peculiarity of a letter. Each sound is associated with a certain gesture, the learning child connects the appearance of a letter or combination and its sound with a gesture. This is not to be confused with the sign language for the deaf-mute. 

Alphabetization e.V. is a registered non-profit organization, subjected to german law. Donations are allowable and tax-deductible. Expenses of the organization are carried out statutable and for the limited purpose only. 




>> More on the method



Impressum - Alphabetization e.V. Viktoriastr. 2, D-42115 Wuppertal, Germany Tel +49 (0)30 5546 5850 E-Mail: office (at)